WS-050 – Migrating Application Workloads to Azure (WS-050T00)
Microsoft Official Course (MOC)
WS-050T00-A: Migrating Application Workloads to Azure
(2 days)
За Курса (About this Course):
This workshop teaches IT Professionals how to migrate existing on-premises workloads and assets to the cloud, specifically to the Microsoft Azure platform. Students learn how to assess and evaluate an existing on-premises environment in preparation for a cloud migration. Students also learn how to monitor and optimize their Azure-based workloads to maximize return on investment (ROI), and use Azure services to protect and manage your virtual machines, applications, and data.
Цели – Какво ще научите (Course Goals/Skills Gained):
- Identify the tools and services specific to each phase of the migration.
- Identify the tools and services specific to each phase of the migration
- Discover and assess on-premises workloads for migration to Azure
Курсът е предназначен за (Audience):
- This workshop is for IT Administrators and staff who need to plan, implement and manage migrations of on-premises resources to Azure, or to replicate Azure virtual machines to other Azure locations. They take business requests from workload owners to migrate workloads to the cloud in order to take advantage of the benefits that a cloud-enabled strategy provides over a traditional datacenter approach. This role requires communicating and coordinating with different individuals within an organization’s IT department and business groups, as well as vendors.
Формат на курса
Език на курса: български (английски е наличен като опция)
Учебни Метериали: в електронен формат (Учебните материали са на английски), включени в цената с неограничен достъп.
Лабораторна среда: всеки курсист разполага със собствена лаб среда, където се провеждат упражненията, част от курса.
- 2 работен дни (09:00 – 17:00)
- 16 уч.ч. обучение (теория и практика) в извънработно време с продължителност 3 седмици
- събота и неделя 10:00 – 14:00, 14:00 – 18:00, 18:00 – 22:00
- понеделник и сряда 19:00 – 23:00
- вторник и четвъртък 19:00 – 23:00
Заявка за издаване на фактура се приема към момента на записването на съответния курс.
Фактура се издава в рамките на 7 дни от потвърждаване на плащането.
Предстоящи Курсове
За повече информация използвайте формата за контакт.
Ще се свържем с Вас за потвърждаване на датите.
Предпоставки (Изисквания) за Участие (Prerequisites):
- IT Administrators start this role with experience on operating systems, virtualization, cloud infrastructure, storage structures, and networking. In addition, IT administrators should have experience or equivalent knowledge in administering an IaaS Azure infrastructure.
- Understanding of on-premises virtualization technologies, including: VMs, virtual networking, and virtual hard disks.
- Understanding of network configuration, including TCP/IP, Domain Name System (DNS), virtual private networks (VPNs), firewalls, and encryption technologies.
- Understanding of Active Directory concepts, including domains, forests, domain controllers, replication, Kerberos protocol, and Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).
- Understanding of resilience and disaster recovery, including backup and restore operations.
- Familiarity with using Azure, including the Azure portal, Cloud Shell, Azure PowerShell, CLI and ARM template.
- Understanding of Azure Active Directory and cloud identity management.
- Understanding of management of subscriptions, users, groups, and billing, and Azure policies.
Курсът подготвя за следните сертификационни нива
Microsoft Windows Server 2019 / Azure Administrator
- Може да се сертифицирате в нашия тест център с ваучер с отстъпка от цената на изпит.