LFS416 – Linux Foundation – Linux Security (BG)
Course: LFS416 Linux Security
За Курса (About this Course):
- Security is always a concern, and with major security holes like Shellshock and Heartbleed being announced regularly, it’s more critical than ever to secure the data you are liable for. This course will walk you through the many risks and threats that exist, show you how to use best practices and other open-source tools to mitigate or counteract those threats, and teach you what you need to know to detect and recover from those attacks that do happen.
This advanced, completely hands-on course adopts a highly technical approach to cover important security techniques and tools. By providing visibility both into attack vectors and possible security holes, this course provides you a complete guide on how to mitigate security risks in any Linux environment.
- Security is always a concern, and with major security holes like Shellshock and Heartbleed being announced regularly, it’s more critical than ever to secure the data you are liable for. This course will walk you through the many risks and threats that exist, show you how to use best practices and other open-source tools to mitigate or counteract those threats, and teach you what you need to know to detect and recover from those attacks that do happen.
Цели – Какво ще научите (Course Goals/Skills):
- How to assess security risks in your enterprise Linux environment.
- The best techniques and tools to increase security.
- Server hardening
- How to deploy and use monitoring and attack detection tools.
- How to gain visibility into possible vulnerabilities.
- The art and science of developing your Linux security policy and response strategy.
- How to configure your systems for compliance with HIPAA, DISA STIG, etc.
Курсът е предназначен за (Audience):
- Linux Engineers, Security Engineers, System Administrators, Advanced Linux Users
Формат на курса
Присъствен Формат – Учебна Зала или Вашия Офис. Учебната зала е оборудвана с компютър за всеки участник.
Online Формат – Участвайте виртуално в обучението чрез телеконферентна връзка.
Език на курса (Course Language Option)
Може да изберете Език на който да се проведе обучението – български или английски. Всичките ни инструктори владеят свободно английски език.
Учебни Метериали: в електронен формат (Учебните материали са на английски), включени в цената с неограничен достъп.
Лабораторна среда: всеки курсист разполага със собствена лаб среда, където се провеждат упражненията, част от курса.
Продължителност (Course Duration):
4 работни дни (09:00 – 17:00)
- 32 уч.ч. обучение (теория и практика) в извънработно време с продължителност 3.5 седмици
- събота и неделя 10:00 – 14:00, 14:00 – 18:00, 18:00 – 22:00
- понеделник и сряда 19:00 – 23:00
- вторник и четвъртък 19:00 – 23:00
Плащане (Payments):
Заявка за издаване на фактура се приема към момента на записването на съответния курс.
Фактура се издава в рамките на 7 дни от потвърждаване на плащането.
Предстоящи Курсове (Next Class):
Всички Курсове на Linux Foundation:
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Предпоставки (Изисквания) за Участие (Prerequisites):
- Have a solid understanding of core local system administration and networking concepts equivalent to that obtained from LFS301 Linux System Administration and LFS311 Linux Networking and Administration.
- Be experienced with Linux (or more generally UNIX), especially at the command line level.