CHECK POINT Certified Endpoint Specialist (CCES) – Updated 2021 (R81)
За Курса (About this Course):
A 2-day Specialist course which provides a comprehensive understanding of Check Point Endpoint Security and how to deploy it within the corporate network environment.
Цели – Какво ще научите (Course Goals/Skills):
- This course is designed for security engineers, developers, and Check Point resellers who need to deploy and manage Endpoint Security within their security environment and are working towards their Point Certified Endpoint Specialist (CCES) certification.
Курсът е предназначен за (Audience):
- Technical professionals who need to deploy and manage Endpoint Security within their security environment
Формат на курса (Course Format):
Присъствен (Classroom) Курс в Учебната ни зала или В Офис на Клиент | Онлайн (Online/Virtual) Курс във виртуална зала с инструктор |
Език на курса (Course Language Option)
Български (Bulgarian) | Английски (English) |
Може да изберете Език на който да се проведе обучението – български или английски. Всичките ни инструктори владеят свободно английски език.
Учебни Материали (Student Guides):
Учебните материали са достъпни в електронен формат. Могат да се ползват online/offline на всяко устройство. Доживотен достъп.
Лабораторна среда (Lab Environment):
Всеки курсист разполага със собствена лаб среда, където се провеждат упражненията, част от курса. Не е необходимо да инсталирате софтуер на компютър или специални изисквания за хардуер.
Участниците в присъствен формат в Учебния ни център разполагат с индивидуален компютър по време на обучението.
След завършване получавате (At Course Completion):
Lifetime Access - Video Archive 24/7 | Certificate of Course Completion |
Доживотен достъп до видео архив с запис на всяка отделна лекция.
Официален международно признат сертификат за завършен курс на обучение.
Продължителност (Course Duration):
- 2 работни дни (09:00 – 17:00)
- 16 уч.ч. обучение (теория и практика) в извънработно време с продължителност 1.5 седмици
- събота и неделя 10:00 – 14:00, 14:00 – 18:00, 18:00 – 22:00
- понеделник и сряда 19:00 – 23:00
- вторник и четвъртък 19:00 – 23:00
Заявка за издаване на фактура се приема към момента на записването на съответния курс.
Фактура се издава в рамките на 7 дни от потвърждаване на плащането.
Предстоящи Курсове
За повече информация използвайте формата за контакт.
Ще се свържем с Вас за потвърждаване на датите.
- Working knowledge of Windows, UNIX, networking technology, the Internet and TCP/ solutions.
- Understand the emergence of increasingly more sophisticated cyberattacks and the need to protect endpoints.
- Explain the advantages of Harmony Endpoint as a security solution.
- Become familiar with the growing Endpoint Security Market.
- Describe the key elements of the Harmony Endpoint Architecture.
- Describe the Harmony Endpoint Management Environment.
- Understand Check Point’s Infinity Portal.
- Explain the new Harmony Endpoint Web Management Service.
- Identify main features of the Harmony Endpoint Management console.
- Explain how to create and assign security policies for Endpoint clients using endpoint security.
- Understand deployment methods and server considerations for Endpoint Security Management installation.
- Identify the different ways to install and configure Endpoint clients.
- Understand how Endpoint Security authenticates and verifies clients connecting to the Endpoint Security Management Server.
- Describe additional server configurations that are available to help manage Endpoint clients.
- Recognize the different types of data security available to deploy on end user machines.
- Describe how Full Disk Encryption technology protects and recovers data accessed and stored on Endpoint computers.
- Understand how to secure removable media devices.
- Understand how Harmony Endpoint is defending company networks against sophisticated attacks.
- Describe Check Point Harmony Endpoint Agent.
- Explain how Harmony Endpoint Agent’s advanced technologies are preventing attacks from infiltrating Endpoint machines and corporate resources.
- Become familiar with Harmony Endpoint troubleshooting methods.
- Understand how to troubleshoot and debug issues that may occur in the Endpoint Security environment.
- Activate the Harmony Endpoint manager in the Cloud.
- Configure Active Directory.
- Connect Active Directory to the Cloud management server.
- Install Initial Agent on the Domain Controller.
- Demonstrate how to deploy the Harmony Endpoint Agent on a client.
- Configure the policy operation mode
- Create exception rules for specific removable media devices.
- Deploy and configure Anti-Bot and URL Filtering on an Endpoint client.
- Configure and deploy Full Disk Encryption on a client
- Test Anti-Bot behavioral engine.
- Configure and deploy Media Encryption
- Block access to certain websites for specific user groups.
- Configure and deploy Port Protection on an Endpoint client.
- Perform threat emulation and extraction of malicious content
- Learn how to extract malicious content from a document.
Target audiences
- Technical professionals who support, install deploy or administer Check Point products.