Lead Ethical Hacker (PECB)
За Курса (About this Course):
As the impact of security incidents in small and large organizations has increased significantly, so has the demand for ethical hacking. Ethical hacking is one of the most effective tools of safeguarding assets and protecting people and information. Ethical hacking certification is slowly becoming a standard requirement for professionals who want to work in the field of information security.
A PECB Certified Lead Ethical Hacker certification will help you demonstrate your ability to lawfully assess the security of systems and discover their vulnerabilities. The training course provides information on the latest ethical hacking methods and tools. It also provides a methodology for conducting penetration tests in accordance with standards and best practices, such as the Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES) and the Open Source Security Testing Methodology (OSSTMM).
Understanding hackers’ strategies helps solve security issues and challenges. After attending the training course, you will be able to plan, manage, and perform information security penetration tests.
The PECB Certified Lead Ethical Hacker training course is based on the concept of practicing what you learned. It includes lab sessions and practical examples to help you apply the theory into practice.
The training course is followed by an exam. If you pass, you can apply for a “PECB Certified Lead Ethical Hacker” credential. For more information about the examination process, please refer to the Examination, Certification, and General Information section below.
Цели – Какво ще научите (Course Goals/Skills):
- Master the concepts, methods, and techniques used by cybersecurity organizations and ethical hackers to conduct penetration tests
- Acknowledge the correlation between penetration testing methodologies, regulatory frameworks, and standards
- Acquire a comprehensive knowledge of the components and operations of ethical hacking
Формат на курса (Course Format):
Присъствен (Classroom) Курс в Учебната ни зала или В Офис на Клиент | Онлайн (Online/Virtual) Курс във виртуална зала с инструктор |
Език на курса (Course Language Option)
Български (Bulgarian) | Английски (English) |
Може да изберете Език на който да се проведе обучението – български или английски. Всичките ни инструктори владеят свободно английски език.
Учебни Материали (Student Guides):
Учебните материали са достъпни в електронен формат. Могат да се ползват online/offline на всяко устройство. Доживотен достъп.
Лабораторна среда (Lab Environment):
Всеки курсист разполага със собствена лаб среда, където се провеждат упражненията, част от курса. Не е необходимо да инсталирате софтуер на компютър или специални изисквания за хардуер.
Участниците в присъствен формат в Учебния ни център разполагат с индивидуален компютър по време на обучението.
След завършване получавате (At Course Completion):
Lifetime Access - Video Archive 24/7 | Certificate of Course Completion |
Доживотен достъп до видео архив с запис на всяка отделна лекция.
Официален международно признат сертификат за завършен курс на обучение.
Продължителност (Course Duration):
- 5 работни дни (09:00 – 17:00)
- 40 уч.ч. обучение (теория и практика) в извънработно време с продължителност 2 седмици
- събота и неделя 10:00 – 14:00, 14:00 – 18:00, 18:00 – 22:00
- понеделник и сряда 19:00 – 23:00
- вторник и четвъртък 19:00 – 23:00
Заявка за издаване на фактура се приема към момента на записването на съответния курс.
Фактура се издава в рамките на 7 дни от потвърждаване на плащането.
Предстоящи Курсове
За повече информация използвайте формата за контакт.
Ще се свържем с Вас за потвърждаване на датите.
- The main requirement for participating in this training course is having knowledge of information security concepts and principles and advanced skills in operating systems. It is recommended for participants to have knowledge of computer networks and the concepts of programming.
Target audiences
- Individuals seeking to gain knowledge about the main techniques used to conduct penetration tests
- Individuals involved in information security seeking to master ethical hacking and penetration testing techniques
- Individuals responsible for the security of information systems, such as information security officers and cybersecurity professionals
- Information security team members seeking to enhance their information security knowledge
- Managers or expert advisors interested in learning how to manage ethical hacking activities
- Technical experts interested in learning how to plan and perform a penetration test